Steps to the PhD
First Year
-Register for courses
Fall Semester
-Courses – grad and equivalents to guidance exam
-Explore divisions and groups
-Select research advisor and division
Spring Semester
-Courses – grad and equivalents to guidance exam
-Select Research Committee, file Plan of studies
-Pass all guidance areas by end of semester
-Begin intensive research efforts
Second Year
Fall Semester
-Graduate courses
-Submit Candidacy Research Report
Spring Semester
-Graduate courses
-Present Candidacy Research Report
Third Year
- Annual research report
Fourth and Following Years
Satisfy GPA and hours/distribution requirements
Defend original research proposal
- Write dissertation or thesis
-Abstract to research committee for approval
-Write proposal and provide to committee
-Oral defense to division
- Must meet ETD submission standards
Successfully present and defend to committee
- Revise as needed and submit