M.S. Degree Requirements
- Completed Plan of Study indicating either Thesis or Coursework Degree Track
- Credit Hours: Students are required to complete a minimum of 30 graduate credit hours in Chemistry at the 500, 600, and 700 level.
- Grade Point Average: Students must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and a minimum grade of B- in all courses applied to the degree.
Graduation Requirements
Thesis Track:
- Complete a plan of study.
- Complete at least 21 formal (graded) course credit-hours; up to 6 hours of research credit; up to 3 hours of seminar credit.
- Up to 10 formal (graded) course credit-hours may come from outside of CHEM to be approved by the Graduate Advising Committee prior to the beginning of the semester in which they are offered.
Complete and defend a Master's thesis.
- Coursework Track:
- Complete a plan of study.
- Complete at least 24 formal (graded) course credit-hours; up to 3 hours of research credit; up to 3 hours of seminar credit.
Up to 10 formal (graded) course credit-hours may come from outside of CHEM to be approved by the Graduate Advising Committee prior to the beginning of the semester in which they are offered.
Thesis Track: