Graduation instructions
After reaching candidacy and passing your ORP, you need to finalize your research and write your dissertation. The semester you intend to graduate you need to:
Have a draft of your dissertation informally approved by your committee (verbal approval from the committee chair)
When writing your dissertation, follow the ETD formatting instructions.
Apply for graduation
The application is done online and must be done before the deadline (See Graduate Handbook).
- If you do not defend that semester the graduation request will be forwarded to the following semester.
Submit the Dissertation Defense Date Declaration Form (DDDF)
Contact your committee members to schedule a date and time when they are all available. All members must be present in person or online on the day of the defense.
- Contact Kevin Dixon to book a room. A defense typically lasts between 2 to 3 hours.
Submit the Dissertation Defense Date Declaration Form (DDDF).
- It must be submitted two weeks before the scheduled defense.
Email the form to
Advertise your defense on the WVU Event Calendar
Kevin Dixon will automatically submit the event once you submit your DDDF. Make sure the title of your dissertation is readable on the DDDF. Zoom links should be shared at the same time as the DDDF.
Defend your dissertation
The defense is open to the public (including family and friends).
The defense is expected to last 40 to 50 min.
After the defense, the chair of your research committee may invite the public to ask questions.
The committee members will ask additional questions in a closed section.
After deliberation, the committee chair will fill out the Dissertation Defense Form Results Form (TDDF). Work with your advisor to make sure the form is available during the defense.
Revise your dissertation
Revise your dissertation based on the feedback from your committee.
- Obtained formal approval of your dissertation by all committee members. You must arrange to have the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Committee Signature Form signed by all your committee members.
Submit your ETD before the deadline
Follow the instructions.
Sent the ETD confirmation to