Morgan Balabanoff, University of Louisville
Exploring students’ epistemic modeling across general chemistry and organic chemistry
Host: Odeleye
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville
Scientific models are explanatory and predictive frameworks used to make sense
of natural phenomena. In chemistry, models are ubiquitously employed to describe
unobservable atomic- and molecular-level phenomena. Modeling knowledge can
be described across two dimensions: thinking with (operational) and thinking
about (epistemic) models. Engaging in operational modeling allows students
to apply models to communicate, explain, or predict a phenomenon, while epistemic
modeling allows students to reflect on the process (and purpose) of modeling,
and the nature of science. Students often struggle in identifying multiple
models referring to the same phenomenon and selecting the appropriate model
for a specific context. It has been well documented that students often struggle
in chemistry due to (1) the expectation to utilize scientific models without
sufficient instruction along with (2) the necessity of models to make sense
of chemical phenomena we cannot see. This work investigates students’ epistemic
and operational modeling knowledge as they generated models across foundational
topics in general chemistry and organic chemistry. Semi-structured interviews
elicited the sophistication of epistemic and operational modeling knowledge
as students generated models to explain atomic phenomena and to predict acid-base
equilibria. Understanding how students generate and use models while characterizing
their epistemic modeling knowledge will guide the implementation of targeted
supports for students in chemistry as they develop their science practice of
These findings serve as the foundation for the development of instructional resources, interventions, or assessments targeting epistemic chemistry modeling knowledge.